Heh, so apparently political posts and mentioning bullfighting have the power to turn knitters away in droves. That's ok I know how to bring y'all back...ONDE! Yes, we have one more color change. We are now safely out of the dodgy seafood shades and this new tone is a pale blush pink. It's very very nice. I'm also up to the armhole shaping of the mohair pullover sleeve. It is uh a bit long...my uh swatch appears to have been off. You know my uh very tiny swatch 'cause I hate swatching and I didn't want to do it properly. Yeah yeah I know I brought it all upon myself. See here's the thing: I always get gauge (are you jealous?) which means that I get really lazy about making swatches because I've never had to go up or down a needle size unless I'm doing some very creative yarn substitution that throws the whole equation off anyway. Luckily though my wingspan is quite long so it should work.
Speaking of swatches did everyone see Becky's poncho? I love it. I have to say I was really on the fence just based on that photo of it in the phildar book what with the model in the desert with no pants on and that ginormous belt on over the poncho. Now I'm so eager to start swatching for my kid silk haze poncho. It is also time to admit that winter..she has gone, I need to stop making the big woolie sweaters and concentrate on the cottony things. Le sigh.
Also, look what other random goodness is floating about out there:
We have KAW swag...go here to see!
and super groovy needle cases! Ok it's official I now really need a sewing machine I want to make my own needle cases.
and finally, I am in love with this site uncommon goods.
You see? I am capable of a knitting content post.
OK first off, hon? Its called an IP address you might want to look into it, if you're gonna get all clever with the pranking you should learn how to better cover your tracks. Also, if you want to leave rude comments please make them more a bit more provocative than : "uhhuhhurhurh" or "you're a queermo". Finally, I think we all want to know what *does* "I'll knit you up real good" mean? Also, posting comments relating to pedophelia could get you into quite a bit of trouble with not only knitters but with interested government officials.
For future reference folks I don't reply to comments via e-mail I use the comment section and I only use the e-mail address in the sidebar or my yahoo account. Yet, let it never be said I'm not generous. The pattern for the knitted willy warmer you wanted Mr. Shore is to be found here. I think we all in the knitblog community are so glad you have developed an interest in the craft, as based upon how you currently spend your free time you appear to be desperately in need of an actual hobby. For the willy warmer I would suggest a soft yarn, say alpaca or cashmere. Why not go for the luxury fiber? It's your willy treat yourself. Luckily, it appears your local Rowan is having a sale soon so if you hurry you can get your supplies for cheap!
// posted by leya @ 1:41 PM
Monday, March 15, 2004
The Scarf That Should Have Been A Thesis
and saved my sanity.
Someone needs to come to my house and turn off the CNN Spain, for real. That is the scarf I made to, finally, replace my old nasty red heart acrilyc scarf of doom. No, I won't show you any photos of that old nasty scarf it is dying in the trash too ashamed to show it's face. However, the main reason for the scarf was I needed something brainless to do with my hands while I waited for the check in calls from Madrid (which came thank god), and watching endless hours of news coverage. I deleted the melodramatic weekend post so here is the info again: that is 2 balls of Rowan's Chunky Print in "deep end" worked on 10mm needles in 1x1 rib and fringed in Chunky Print in the color way "woolie." It's not very long but quite frankly I'm not loving the color enough to go buy another ball and I kinda like it short so it fits easily under my coat without the bulk. It was so much fun, I want to make like 50 more now, too bad winter is over...bah!
Also, this weekend I learned that my local Rowan will be no more. I would be sad but for two things 1. it SUCKED, seriously worst LYS ever! I ended up having to buy online 70% of the time anyway 2. OHMYGOD last week of March its a 1/3 of all their merch...I need a game plan, this could be dangerous.
ok now that is all the knitting news I have, the rest of this post is political. If you do not care about Spanish politics, politics in general, or think a political post is inappropriate in a knitblog stop reading now. For the rest of you 1. gah! who are these people who don't care about the world they live in? 2. at the end there is a special treat for you. So let's begin.
First congrats to the PSOE for their win yesterday. Zapatero you have good policies and so far I dig you immensely. Never thought you would win. It's such a credit to the Spanish people that they have reacted to this tragedy not with a call to arms (*cough*bush *cough*) but by choosing new leaders with different agendas and with calls for peace. It is also amazing to see young people so involved with politics and invested in a government so PSOE please don't fuck it up like last time...that's right Felipe Gonzalez I'm looking at you. (google it)
and now on to PEOPLE WE HATE (surprise the list *is* longer than just Suss Cousins)
1. The PP in general. You are beneath contempt. To face a nation in mourning and lie and hide information about the motivations behind this attack and try to pin it on ETA to save your own ass? There are no words to describe that. You could have had another 4 years in government but you brought this all upon yourself. The protesters who are chanting "your war. our dead" you KNOW they are right. You dragged a nation of liberal peace loving people into a war almost no Spaniard backed to curry American favour....great plan.
2. This ass hat:
Minister of the Interior Angel Acebes
First of all, how do you sleep at night? Second of all, dude you are soooooooooo losing your job. This mother fucker, stood in front of TV cameras and had the nerve to say "this is ETA's modus operandi" um excuse me. Does modus operandi mean something else in idiotease? So lemme get this straight.
ETA's M.O.
1. minimal civilian casualties since 1987
2. always claim responsibility for their attacks
3. small attacks aimed at specific targets
this attack
1. ETA denies responsibility TWICE
2. type of explosive never used by ETA
3. massive civilian casualties
4. tape and considerable evidence to link bombings to Al-Qaida
Funny, I'm not really seeing the connection. Also, wipe that stupid look off your face.
3. This idiot:
PP member and until Thursday the favorite to be the next PM, Mariano Rajoy.
You make me want to throw things at the TV. How dare you show your face on national TV saturday night after it becomes public all the information your party is hiding and/or distorting and ask protesters outside PP headquarters (who are simply asking for the truth) to "cease this...it's undemocratic." I'm sorry the fuck? Peaceful assembly is now undemocratic? Funny you would think a politician would be a bit familiar with the Spanish constitution, in particular art. 21 which states "The right to peaceful assembly without arms is recognized. The exercise of this right shall not require prior authorization." Don't even look at me like that. I told you I'm a hispanist and political scientist I have these sorts of documents lying around the house...no really.
and now your treat. How the boy and I spent Friday night:
the context: a discussion about how my sister once called the police to arrest her ex-boyfriend over a PLAYSTATION!! This provoked his fear one of our own dumbass arguments over NOTHING will land us on COPS. Specifically, the day my bad grammar and spelling finally push is anal retentive burgermeister ass over the edge, and scene:
the boy: "bitch didn't put a motherfucking comma in her sentence"
the me: *donkey brays of laughter*
the boy: *affecting a pissy Leya tone* : "this bastard thinks I need a comma, but ain't no comma needed!!!!"
the me: *laughing so hard trying not to pee*
the boy: "it's ambiguous, but more correct to put a comma, ho!"
the boy: "yeah, AM BIG YOU US"
the me: *now getting a little pissy in between donkey brays of laughter I mean even I know there is no Y in ambiguous*
the boy: "that's not how you spell ambiguous!!!"
the boy: ""it was phonetic, you jerk!!!"
the me: "bring it burgermeister bring it, I got something a little less fucking ambiguous for you"
the boy: and then we both go to grammar prison. This is horrible.
et fin.